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What goes through your mother’s mind as she delves into the forbidden, impassioned realm of romantic incest? Forced into a powerful sexual relationship with you, her son, the machines that brought you two together are discarded as nature’s most intoxicating urges are fully realized.

Your mother welcomes her fate as your emboldened lover, joining you on a timeless journey into the most sacred realm of sexual awareness ALL mothers and sons have felt at one time or another. Her unbending Christian values are decimated in the midst of the best sex your mother has ever experienced. The instinctual prowess of your mother’s sexuality is unleashed, embracing every sacred hope and dream in the arms of you… her OWN son.

Passion abounds as your mother fucks you with purpose and meaning. No thought or fantasy goes unspoken; for all that remains is the breathtaking eternal love of a mother and son brought together as unbridled lovers.

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  • Very different but very exciting

    I remember these audios they are very special to me they taught me to get alone in a dark room with some headphones close my eyes and visualize my mother in a whole new way

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